BIG  1MS_a

Liebe Leute!

Schreiben, schreiben, schreiben!
Schreib die Sätze. Schreib die Fragen. Schreib die Wörter. 
Nur so kannst du sie auswendig und gut lernen.

und nun in englisch:

Write, write, write.
Write the sentences, write the questions, write the words
This way, you learn the words by heart (auswendig).


Write the five questions and answers.

What is your name?
  My name is Sabine.
How old are you? 
  I am ten years old.
Where do you live?
  I live in Vienna.
Where do you come from?
  I come from Italy.
What is your nationality?
  I am Italian.
Sabine = 10 Pünkte / 10 points = 1

10 Sept 2024

Thank you.   (Danke dir)
Thanks. (Danke)

You are welcome. (Gern geschehen)
You're welcome   ( You are = You're )


What is your name?
  My name is David 

How old are you?
  I am ten years old 

Where do you come from?
  I come from Austria / Turkey / Ukraine / Afghanistan / ...

What is your nationality? Staatsangehörigkeit
  I am Austrian / Ukrainian / Turkish / Afghan / ...

Where do you live?
  I live in Vienna / Lower Austria 


Many words are similar in German and English.

perfekt = perfect
super = super
fantastisch = fantastic
gut = good
sehr gut = very good

sehr = very
sehr warm = very warm
sehr kalt = very cold

Milch = milk
Butter = butter
Yoghurt = yoghurt
Salz = salt
Pfeffer = pepper
Salz und Pfeffer = salt and pepper = salt & pepper
Banane = banana
Bananen = bananas 

04 Sept 2024

My name is Mr Finley.
I am 99 years old.
I am British    ... or ...    I am English.
I come from England.
I live in Vienna.

I like pizza.
I don't like schnitzel.

